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规则 of Professional Conduct

规则1.6: Confidentiality of Information

   (b)“保密”是指根据适用法律受澳门赌场官网-当事人保密特权保护的信息, “秘密”指的是在专业关系中获得的客户要求保密的其他信息, or the disclosure of which would be embarrassing, or would be likely to be detrimental, 致客户端.
(1) to prevent a 刑事 act that the lawyer reasonably believes is likely to result in death or substantial bodily harm absent disclosure of the client’s secrets or confidences by the lawyer; or
(二)防止贿赂、恐吓证人, 陪审员, 法院官员, 或其他与法庭诉讼有关的人,如果澳门赌场官网有理由认为此类行为可能导致澳门赌场官网未披露客户的机密或秘密.
   (d)客户曾经或正在使用澳门赌场官网的服务来推动犯罪或欺诈, 澳门赌场官网可以泄露委托人的秘密, to the extent reasonably necessary:
(1) to prevent the client from committing the crime or fraud if it is reasonably certain to result in substantial injury to the financial interests or property of another; or
(2)预防, 减轻或纠正对他人的经济利益或财产造成的实质性损害,这种损害是合理确定的,或已经由客户的犯罪或欺诈造成的.
(1) with the informed consent of the client;
(2) (A) when permitted by these 规则 or required by law or court order; and
(三)为对刑事指控进行辩护而合理需要的, 纪律负责, 或者民事索赔, formally instituted against the lawyer, 基于当事人参与的行为, 或在合理必要的范围内回应客户对澳门赌场官网代理客户的具体指控;
(4) when the lawyer has reasonable grounds for believing that a client has impliedly authorized disclosure of a confidence or secret in order to carry out the representation;
(5) to the minimum extent necessary in an action instituted by the lawyer to establish or collect the lawyer’s fee; or
(六)为获得有关澳门赌场官网守法情况的法律意见而提供的合理必要的信息, 包括这些规则.
   (f)澳门赌场官网应合理谨慎地防止澳门赌场官网的雇员, 的同事, 以及为澳门赌场官网提供服务的其他人不得泄露或使用客户的机密或秘密, 除非该等人士可披露第(c)段准许披露的资料, (d), 或(e).
   (h) The obligation of a lawyer under paragraph (a) also 适用于 to confidences and secrets learned prior to becoming a lawyer in the course of providing assistance to another lawyer.
   (i)为本条的目的,作为澳门赌场官网事务委员会成员的澳门赌场官网.C. 酒吧 Lawyer Counseling Committee, or as a trained intervenor for that committee, shall be deemed to have a lawyer-client relationship with respect to any lawyer-counselee being counseled under programs conducted by or on behalf of the committee. 在委员会的主持下,从另一位澳门赌场官网处获得的信息, 或在这种咨询的过程中或与之相关的, 在第(b)段的规定范围内,应被视为机密或秘密。. 此类信息仅可在本规则允许的范围内披露.
   (j)为本条的目的,作为澳门赌场官网事务委员会成员的澳门赌场官网.C. 酒吧 Practice Management Service Committee, 前身为澳门赌场官网执业协助委员会 [1], 或者是员工助理, 导师, monitor or other consultant for that committee, shall be deemed to have a lawyer-client relationship with respect to any lawyer-counselee being counseled under programs conducted by or on behalf of the committee. 顾问与在委员会主持下接受咨询的澳门赌场官网之间的通信, 咨询的或在咨询过程中制作的或与咨询有关的, 在第(b)段的规定范围内,应被视为机密或秘密。. 此类信息仅可在本规则允许的范围内披露. 然而, during the period in which the lawyer-counselee is subject to a probationary or monitoring order of the Court of Appeals or the 董事会 on Professional Responsibility in a disciplinary case instituted pursuant to Rule XI of the 规则 of the Court of Appeals Governing the 酒吧, 该等资料须根据该命令予以披露.
   (k)政府澳门赌场官网的委托人是雇用该澳门赌场官网的机构,除非适当法律有相反的明文规定, 监管, 或订单.


  澳门赌场官网是负责维护法律的司法系统的一部分. 澳门赌场官网的职责之一是向客户提供建议,使他们在适当行使其权利时避免任何违法行为.
   [2] The observance of the ethical obligation of a lawyer to hold inviolate confidential information of the client not only facilitates the full development of facts essential to proper representation of the client but also encourages people to 看到k early legal assistance.
   [3] Almost without exception, 客户来找澳门赌场官网是为了确定他们的权利是什么,什么是, in the maze of laws and 监管s, deemed to be legal and correct. 普通法承认必须保护客户的机密不被泄露. 根据经验, 澳门赌场官网们知道,几乎所有的客户都会听从他们的建议, 法律得到了维护.
   客户-澳门赌场官网关系的一个基本原则是澳门赌场官网不得侵犯客户的秘密和信任. 因此,鼓励客户与澳门赌场官网进行充分和坦率的沟通,即使是令人尴尬或法律上有害的主题.
   本规则禁止澳门赌场官网泄露客户的机密和秘密,但本规则或本规则另有规定的除外. 对职业责任的适当关注应使澳门赌场官网避免涉及客户的轻率谈话. A lawyer’s use of a hypothetical to discuss issues relating to the representation is permissible so long as there is no reasonable likelihood that the listener will be able to ascertain the identity of the client or the situation involved.

Relationship Between 规则1.6和澳门赌场官网-当事人证据特权和工作成果原则
   [6] The principle of confidentiality is given effect in two related bodies of law: the attorney-client privilege and the work product doctrine in the law of evidence and the rule of confidentiality established in professional ethics. 澳门赌场官网-客户特权和工作成果原则适用于澳门赌场官网可能被传唤作为证人或以其他方式被要求提供有关客户的证据的司法程序和其他程序. 本规则无意支配或影响澳门赌场官网-当事人特权或工作成果原则的司法适用. 特权和原则的发展是为了促进法律的遵守和诉讼的公平. In reliance on the attorney-client privilege, 客户有权期望在保密特权范围内的通信信息不会被强制披露.
   澳门赌场官网-当事人保密特权属于当事人,而不属于澳门赌场官网. 一般来说, the client has a reasonable expectation that information relating 致客户端 will not be voluntarily disclosed and that disclosure of such information may be judicially compelled only in accordance with recognized exceptions to the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine.
   [8] The rule of client-lawyer confidentiality 适用于 in situations other than those where evidence is sought from the lawyer through compulsion of law; furthermore, 它不仅适用于客户私下沟通的事项(如.e., 保密),同时也对客户要求保密的在业务关系中获得的所有信息保密, 或披露会令客户感到尴尬或可能对客户不利(i.e.,秘密). 这个道德规范, unlike the evidentiary privilege, 不考虑信息的性质或来源或他人分享知识的事实而存在. 它不仅反映了澳门赌场官网-当事人保密特权的基本原则, but the lawyer’s duty of loyalty 致客户端.

The Commencement of the Client-Lawyer Relationship
   bbb本规则之外的实体法原则决定客户-澳门赌场官网关系是否存在. 尽管大多数从客户-澳门赌场官网关系中产生的义务只有在客户要求澳门赌场官网提供法律服务并且澳门赌场官网同意这样做之后才会生效, the duty of confidentiality imposed by this rule attaches when the lawyer agrees to consider whether a client-lawyer relationship shall be established. 规则1规定了澳门赌场官网对潜在客户的其他职责.18.

Exploitation of Confidences and Secrets
   [10]除了禁止泄露客户的机密之外, 第(a)(2)款规定,澳门赌场官网不得利用委托人的机密和秘密对委托人不利. 例如, 当澳门赌场官网了解到客户正在投资特定的房地产时,可能不会寻求收购附近的房产,因为这样做会对客户的投资计划产生不利影响. 类似的, 澳门赌场官网在代理客户过程中获得的信息,即使在澳门赌场官网终止代理客户之后,也不得用于对该客户不利. 然而, the fact that a lawyer has once served a client does not preclude the lawyer from using generally known information about the former client when later representing another client. Under subparagraphs (a)(3) and (e)(1), 澳门赌场官网只有在征得委托人知情同意后,才能为自己或第三方的利益使用委托人的秘密和秘密.

   澳门赌场官网被默示授权在适当的情况下披露客户的情况, 除非客户的指示或特殊情况限制了该权力. 在诉讼中, 例如, 澳门赌场官网可以通过承认无可辩驳的事实来披露信息, 或者在谈判中通过披露信息来促成一个令人满意的结论.
   [12] The obligation to protect confidences and secrets obviously does not preclude a lawyer from revealing information when the client gives informed consent, 必要时执行专业雇佣, when permitted by these 规则, 或者法律要求的时候. For the definition of “informed consent,” 看到 规则1.0(e). Unless the client otherwise directs, 澳门赌场官网可以向澳门赌场官网事务所的合伙人或者合伙人披露委托人的事务. 它是 a matter of common knowledge that the normal operation of a law office exposes confidential professional information to nonlawyer employees of the office, particularly secretaries and those having access to the files; and this obligates a lawyer to exercise care in selecting and training employees so that the sanctity of all confidences and secrets of clients may be preserved. 对同一信息的义务扩展到两个或两个以上的客户, 澳门赌场官网在透露信息前应征得所有人的同意. 澳门赌场官网必须始终对客户的权利和愿望保持敏感,并在作出可能涉及披露在专业关系过程中获得的信息的决定时谨慎行事.
   [13] A lawyer’s confidentiality obligations do not preclude a lawyer from securing confidential legal advice about the lawyer’s personal responsibilities to comply with these 规则. 在大多数情况下,披露信息以获得此类建议将隐含授权澳门赌场官网进行代理. Even when disclosure is not impliedly authorized, 鉴于澳门赌场官网遵守《澳门赌场官方软件》和其他法律的重要性,第(e)(6)款允许此类披露.
   [14] Unless the client otherwise directs, 澳门赌场官网将客户档案中的有限信息提供给统计所需的外部机构并不是不恰当的, 记账, 会计, 数据处理, 银行, 印刷, or other legitimate purposes, 但澳门赌场官网在选择代理机构时应谨慎行事,并警告代理机构必须对资料保密.
   尽管严格的规则要求澳门赌场官网对与其客户的代理有关的信息保密,这通常是最符合公众利益的, 保密规则受限于有限的例外情况.
   [16]规则1.6(c)描述了构成足够严重威胁的情况,以至于客户的机密和秘密可能会在合理必要的程度上被披露,以防止所描述的损害. 因此, a lawyer may reveal confidences and secrets to the extent necessary to prevent a 刑事 act that the lawyer reasonably believes is likely to result in death or substantial bodily harm absent disclosure and to prevent bribery or intimidation of witnesses, 陪审员, 法院官员, 或其他与法庭诉讼有关的人.
   [17]规则1.6(d)描述了由于客户滥用澳门赌场官网与客户之间的关系,利用澳门赌场官网的服务来推动犯罪或欺诈,客户通常期望的保密不能得到保证的情况. 在这种情况下, 规则1.6(d)(1)规定了保密规则的有限例外, 什么允许澳门赌场官网在合理必要的范围内披露信息,使受影响的人或有关当局能够防止客户犯罪或欺诈, 如规则1所定义.0(d), 如果这种犯罪或欺诈行为有理由肯定会对他人的经济或财产利益造成重大损害. D.C. 上诉法院认为,澳门赌场官网-委托人保密特权的犯罪-欺诈例外要求澳门赌场官网的服务实际上被用于进一步发生的犯罪或欺诈, not merely that the client sought to do so. 看到 In re Public Defender Service, 831 A.2d 890 (D.C. 2003). 规则1.6(d)保密道德义务的例外情况还要求澳门赌场官网的服务实际上被用来促进犯罪或欺诈. 客户可以通过避免不法行为或不利用澳门赌场官网的服务进一步犯罪或欺诈来防止信息泄露. 尽管规则1.6(d)(1)不要求澳门赌场官网披露委托人的不当行为, 澳门赌场官网不得为明知是犯罪或欺诈行为的委托人提供咨询或协助. 见规则1.2(e). 规则1.16 addresses the lawyer’s obligation or right to withdraw from the representation of the client in such circumstances if withdrawal is necessary to prevent the client from misusing the lawyer’s services or if withdrawal would otherwise prevent, 减轻, 或者纠正委托人滥用澳门赌场官网服务造成的实质性损害. 规则3.3(a)(1), 3.3(d)和4.处理可能强制披露的情况. 规则3.4(a), 8.1和8.不要求披露受规则1保护的资料.6; disclosure that is permissive in the limited situations specified in 规则1.6 is not mandatory under 规则3.4(a), 8.1 or 8.3. 规则1.6(d)适用于组织和个人.
   [18] Paragraph (d)(2) refers to situations in which the crime or fraud has already commenced and is on-going or completed such that complete prevention is not an option. 因此, 客户不再有通过避免不当行为来防止信息披露的选择. 在这种情况下, 在某些情况下,受影响的人所遭受的损失可能是可以预防的, 纠正, 或者减轻. 在这种情况下, 澳门赌场官网可以在必要的程度上披露与代理有关的信息,以使受影响的人能够合理地防止或减轻某些损失,或试图弥补他们的损失. Paragraph (d)(2) does not apply to disclosure with regard to a crime or fraud committed prior to retaining the lawyer for representation concerning that offense.
   [19]规则1.2, 评论 [7] and Rule 4.1, 评论 [3] acknowledge that, to avoid assisting in a client crime or fraud, 澳门赌场官网在某些情况下可能被要求退出代理, give notice of the fact of withdrawal, 或者否定一个观点, 文档, 确认书之类的. 在某些情况下,当澳门赌场官网的服务已经或正在被用来推动客户的犯罪或欺诈, 澳门赌场官网可能会得出结论认为,为了避免协助客户犯罪或欺诈,需要的不仅仅是撤回和否认,而且披露受本规则保护的客户信息是有必要的. If the lawyer has such a reasonable belief, 澳门赌场官网可以在允许采取纠正措施的合理必要范围内进行此类披露, 例如, 迅速启动诉讼程序,以扣押或追回客户以欺诈手段获得的资产. 一旦澳门赌场官网披露了合理必要的信息,以防止, 纠正, 或者减轻损失, 澳门赌场官网不得采取可能损害委托人利益的额外行动. 因此, a lawyer is not warranted under 规则1.6(d) in providing legal advice or assistance to a victim as the victim’s lawyer or voluntarily serving as a witness or otherwise cooperating in a proceeding brought by the victim or anyone else 看到king compensation for the victim. The lawyer also may not use or disclose information for the purpose of voluntarily assisting a law-enforcement agency to apprehend and prosecute the client, 除非澳门赌场官网合理地认为披露该等信息对防止是合理必要的, 纠正, or 减轻 the victim’s loss.
   本规则允许但不要求披露与客户代理有关的信息,以达到指定的目的. 在行使本条第(c)和(d)款所赋予的自由裁量权时, 澳门赌场官网可以考虑澳门赌场官网与委托人的关系性质以及与可能被委托人伤害的人的关系等因素, the lawyer’s own involvement in the transaction, 以及可能减轻相关行为的因素. The lawyer’s exercise of discretion in determining whether to make disclosures that are reasonably likely to prevent the death or substantial bodily injury of another requires consideration of such factors as the client’s tendency to commit violent acts or, 相反, 无意义的威胁. 当澳门赌场官网根据本规则被给予披露的自由裁量权, 澳门赌场官网在规则允许的情况下不披露的决定并不违反规则1.6. Other 规则 may impose disclosure obligations. 看到 规则1.2(e), 2.3, 3.3, 3.4(a), 4.1(b), 8.1和8.关于本规则的保密保护与那些规则的披露规定的协调.
   [21] Paragraphs (c) and (d) permit disclosure only to the extent the lawyer reasonably believes the disclosure is necessary to accomplish one of the purposes specified. The “reasonably believes” standard is applied because it is difficult for a lawyer to “know” when acts with such potentially serious consequences will actually be carried out, for the client may have a change of mind. 在可行的, 澳门赌场官网应首先设法说服委托人采取适当的行动,以避免披露信息的需要. 无论如何, 不利于委托人利益的披露不得超过澳门赌场官网合理认为达到目的所必需的披露. 如果披露将与司法程序有关, 披露的方式应限制法庭或其他有需要了解资料的人查阅资料, 澳门赌场官网应在切实可行的最大范围内寻求适当的保护令或其他安排.
   其他法律可能要求澳门赌场官网披露受规则1保护的信息.6. 法律是否要求这样的披露是一个法律问题,超出了本规则的范围. 当其他法律似乎要求披露时, 澳门赌场官网必须在规则1所要求的范围内与委托人讨论此事.4. If, 然而, the other law requires disclosure, 第(e)(2)(A)段允许澳门赌场官网作出为遵守法律所必需的披露.

Dispute Concerning Lawyer’s Conduct
   [23] Where a legal claim or 纪律负责 alleges complicity of the lawyer in a client’s conduct or other misconduct of the lawyer involving representation of the client, 澳门赌场官网可以在其合理认为成立辩护所必需的范围内进行答辩. 涉及前客户的行为或代理的索赔也是如此. 指控, 为其辩护,澳门赌场官网可以泄露委托人的秘密, 民事诉讼会发生吗, 刑事, or professional disciplinary proceeding, 并且可以基于澳门赌场官网对当事人所犯的错误, or on a wrong alleged by a third person; 例如, 声称被澳门赌场官网和委托人共同行动所欺骗的人.
   [24] The lawyer may not disclose a client’s confidences or secrets to defend against informal allegations made by third parties; the Rule allows disclosure only if a third party has formally instituted a civil, 刑事, or disciplinary action against the lawyer. 即使第三方已经正式提起诉讼, 澳门赌场官网应将第三方的行为告知委托人,并要求委托人作出适当的回应, 如果这是可行的,并且不会损害澳门赌场官网建立辩护的能力.
   [25] If a lawyer’s client, 或者以前的客户, has made specific allegations against the lawyer, 澳门赌场官网可以在辩护中披露委托人的秘密, 不需要等待正式程序的开始. The requirement of subparagraph (e)(3) that there be “specific” charges of misconduct by the client precludes the lawyer from disclosing confidences or secrets in response to general criticism by a client; an example of such a general criticism would be an assertion by the client that the lawyer “did a poor job” of representing the client. 但是在这种情况下, 以及为正式提起的第三方诉讼辩护, 披露的程度不应超过澳门赌场官网合理认为证明无罪所必需的程度, 披露的方式应限制法庭或其他有需要了解资料的人查阅资料, 澳门赌场官网应在切实可行的最大范围内寻求适当的保护令或其他安排.

   [26] Subparagraph (e)(5) permits a lawyer to reveal a client’s confidences or secrets if this is necessary in an action to collect fees from the client. This aspect of the rule expresses the principle that the beneficiary of a fiduciary relationship may not exploit it to the detriment of the fiduciary. Subparagraph (e)(5) should be construed narrowly; it does not authorize broad, 不加区分地泄露秘密或机密. 澳门赌场官网应在诉讼的每个阶段评估披露信息的必要性. 例如, in drafting the complaint in a fee collection suit, 有必要揭露委托人聘请澳门赌场官网的“秘密”, 这些费用是到期的, and that the client has failed to pay those fees. 在投诉阶段,不允许进一步披露客户的秘密和机密. 如果可能的话, 澳门赌场官网甚至应该防止通过使用“无名氏”辩护来披露委托人的身份.
   b[27]如果客户对澳门赌场官网投诉的回应提出了涉及保密或秘密的问题, 澳门赌场官网将被允许披露与委托人的主张或辩护有关的机密或秘密信息. 即使在那时, 该规则要求澳门赌场官网的回应必须严格符合当事人的具体指控, 最低程度的披露足以有效回应. 除了, the lawyer should continue, 在整个行动中, to make every effort to avoid unnecessary disclosure of the client’s confidences and secrets and to limit the disclosure to those having the need to know it. To this end the lawyer should 看到k appropriate protective orders and make any other arrangements that would minimize the risk of disclosure of the confidential information in question, including the utilization of 在相机 诉讼.

Disclosures Otherwise Required or Authorized
   澳门赌场官网-当事人保密特权在不同的司法管辖区有不同的定义. 当一名澳门赌场官网被传唤作为证人就某一客户的情况作证时, absent waiver by the client, (e)(2)项要求澳门赌场官网在适用时援引该特权. The lawyer may comply with the final orders of a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction requiring the lawyer to give information about the client. But a lawyer ordered by a court to disclose client confidences or secrets should not comply with the order until the lawyer has personally made every reasonable effort to appeal the order or has notified the client of the order and given the client the opportunity to challenge it.


   在某些情况下,最终成为澳门赌场官网的人会以非澳门赌场官网身份为澳门赌场官网提供协助. 典型的情况是澳门赌场官网事务所或政府机构的法律助理或暑期助理. Paragraph (h) addresses the confidentiality obligations of such a person after becoming a member of the 酒吧; the same confidentiality obligations are imposed as would apply if the person had been a member of the 酒吧 at the time confidences or secrets were received. 保密义务的这一决议与D .所采用的推理是一致的.C. 酒吧 法律道德 Committee Opinion 84. For a related provision dealing with the imputation of disqualifications arising from prior participation as a summer associate or in a similar position, 见规则1.10(b). 关于因先前担任法律助理而被取消资格的规定, 看到 规则1.11.

酒吧 Sponsored Counseling 项目
   [31] Paragraph (i) adds a provision dealing specifically with the disclosure obligations of lawyers who are assisting in the counseling programs of the D.C. 酒吧’s Lawyer Counseling Committee. Members of that committee, 以及协助委员会进行咨询的澳门赌场官网干预者, 是否可以从向委员会提供的咨询项目寻求帮助的澳门赌场官网咨询师那里获得信息. 它是 in the interest of the public to encourage lawyers who have alcohol or other substance abuse problems to 看到k counseling as a first step toward rehabilitation. 一些寻求这种援助的澳门赌场官网可能违反了《澳门赌场官网》的规定, or other provisions of law, 包括刑事法规,比如有关挪用公款的法规. In order for those who are providing counseling services to evaluate properly the lawyer-counselee’s problems and enhance the prospects for rehabilitation, 辅导员有必要从澳门赌场官网-辅导员那里获得完全诚实的信息. 例如,如果辅导员受到规则8的强迫,这种坦率是不可能的.向纪律顾问报告澳门赌场官网/参赞的行为, 或者澳门赌场官网-顾问担心顾问可能被检察官或其他人强迫披露信息.
   bbb同样,鼓励澳门赌场官网寻求律政司的协助,也符合公众的利益.C. 澳门赌场官网执业管理服务委员会,解决执业中的管理问题. 为使透过执业管理服务委员会提供谘询服务的人士能正确评估澳门赌场官网-谘询人的问题,并提高谘询人自我改善的前景, paragraph (j) adds a provision addressing the confidentiality obligations of lawyers who are assisting in the counseling programs of the Practice Management Service Committee.
   这些考虑使得将澳门赌场官网与顾问的关系视为澳门赌场官网与客户的关系是恰当的, 并创建一个额外的有限类别的信息,被视为机密或机密,受规则1的保护.6. 该等资料的范围载于第(i)及(j)段。. 澳门赌场官网-委托人关系仅在规则1所规定的保密义务方面被视为存在.6, 而不受本规则其他地方规定的义务的约束, 包括规则1规定的热心陈述义务.第3条和第1条规定的避免利益冲突的义务.7和1.9. 保密义务扩大到为委员会服务的澳门赌场官网的非澳门赌场官网助理. 见规则5.1
   [34]尽管有第(j)款规定的保密义务, during the period in which a lawyer-counselee is subject to a probationary or monitoring order of the Court of Appeals or the 董事会 on Professional Responsibility in a disciplinary case instituted pursuant to Rule XI of the 规则 of the Court of Appeals Governing the 酒吧, 顾问与在执业管理服务委员会主持下接受咨询的澳门赌场官网之间的通讯,须根据法院或委员会的命令予以披露, 因为在这种情况下,澳门赌场官网/顾问参与委员会的项目不是自愿的.
   [35]哥伦比亚特区上诉法院就受保护不受强制披露的各类信息制定的道德规则可能不被其他论坛或司法管辖区接受. 因此, 第(i)和(j)款给予澳门赌场官网顾问的保护可能无法在所有情况下防止泄露. 此外, 作为其他司法管辖区澳门赌场官网协会成员的澳门赌场官网可能没有资格, 在其他司法管辖区适用于澳门赌场官网的道德规范下, 放弃根据其他司法管辖区对规则8的对应规定向纪律当局报告违规行为.3.

   [36] Subparagraph (e)(2) was revised, and paragraph (k) was added, 解决政府内部澳门赌场官网-委托人关系所引起的特殊情况.
   [37] (e)(2)(A)分段适用于私人和政府的澳门赌场官网-客户关系. (e)(2)(B)项仅适用于政府澳门赌场官网. 它的目的是允许在规则1下法律或法院命令不要求的披露.6(e)(2)(A), 但是政府授权其澳门赌场官网为政府提供专业服务. 法律可能授权或要求此类披露, 行政命令, 或法规, 取决于授权实体的宪法或法定权力. 如获授权或有规定,则第(e)(2)(B)分段适用.
   [38] The term “agency” in paragraph (j) includes, 尤其, 执行和独立部门和机构, 特别委员会, committees of the legislature, 立法部门的机构,如政府问责局, 法院雇佣澳门赌场官网的程度(e.g.,staff counsel) to counsel them. The employing agency has been designated the client under this rule to provide a commonly understood and easily determinable point for identifying the government client.
   [39] Government lawyers may also be assigned to provide an individual with counsel or representation in circumstances that make clear that an obligation of confidentiality runs directly to that individual and that subparagraph (e)(2)(A), 不是(e) (2) (B), 适用于. 它是, 当然, acceptable in this circumstance for a government lawyer to make disclosures about the individual representation to supervisors or others within the employing governmental agency so long as such disclosures are made in the context of, 并且与, the agency’s representation program. 看,e.g.,28 C.F.R. § 50.15和50.16. The relevant circumstances, 包括代表当事人的协议, 也可注明政府澳门赌场官网所指派的个人客户是否被视为同意或拒绝向澳门赌场官网的雇佣机构披露信息. 这种代理的例子包括由公设辩护人代理, 一名代表被告的政府澳门赌场官网起诉被告因履行其在政府的工作而受到的损害, 还有一名代表军事法庭被告的军事澳门赌场官网.

Acting Competently to Preserve Confidences
   [40]当传输包含与客户端表示相关的信息的通信时, 澳门赌场官网必须采取合理的预防措施,防止信息落入无意的接收者手中. 如果通信方式提供了对隐私的合理期望,则这项义务并不要求澳门赌场官网使用特殊的安全措施. 但是,在特殊情况下,可能需要采取特别的预防措施. Factors to be considered in determining the reasonableness of the lawyer’s expectation of confidentiality include the sensitivity of the information and the extent to which the privacy of the communication is protected by law or by a confidentiality agreement. 客户可以要求澳门赌场官网实施本规则未要求的特殊安全措施,或者可以知情同意使用本规则禁止的通信手段.

2005年5月10日,D.C. 大澳门赌场官网公会理事会批准澳门赌场官网执业协助委员会更名. 自2005年7月1日起,该委员会将被称为实践管理服务委员会.
